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First Year Internship as an operator


Credits : 3 ECTS

Duration : 4 weeks


Half term : S5, S6

Person(s) in charge :

Isabelle Le May,

Ulrike Braun, mines-nancy-


Keywords : First year internship

Prerequisites : 

Having pursued the "entrepreneurial project management course"

Having realized your first year tutoring.

Searching for your first year internship autonomously.

Having a well written Resume.

Having participated to the "industrial operator internship presentation


Aims :

Acquiring a concrete knowledge of a work station while participating to operational tasks in an entrepreneurial organization of at least 10 persons in an industrial line of work. Take conscience of the economic, human, and social realities of a company.






Be aware of the society's business units, the tools allowing one to contact them (networking, ENT resources, intranet, internshipt platforms).

Having intelligence about security constraints inside the company and costs qualities as well as individual rights.


Being able to understand an organization's roles in terms of production and communication. Understanding the ordeals related to the economical approaches of the company.


Being able to redact a resume as well as a cover letter.

 Being able to describe an organization processes and integrate it with ease.

Being able to adapt oneself to an intercultural environment
Learn to communicate.



Being able to redact one's experience in this organization and emit an opinion about its functioning.

Analysing the issues met at work. Being able to ponder this experience


Synthesizing the feedback related to an experience done in a constrained environment. (report and oral defence)



Evaluations :

  •  Written Test
  •  Continuous assessments
  •  Oral Defence
  •  Project
  •  Report