Humanities for engineers


lecturesclasses / seminarspractical workintegrative teachingindependent work
21h0h0h0h20 h
Language used

Course supervisor(s)


Key words
critical thinking, socio-technical controversies, debate, ethics
Overall objective

At the end of the module, students will be able to analyze, understand and debate a topic related to socio-technical controversies and ethics.

Course content and organisation

The aim of this module is to enable students to develop critical thinking, open-mindedness and ethical questioning in a changing world and media environment. The module will also seek to support students in the development of complex thinking on topics at the interface of ethical, personal and societal issues. In addition, the aim will be to explore all the dimensions of a question posed, to understand the logics at work (political, economic, social, intercultural...) in the context of current socio-technical controversies.

To do this, we will set up a role-playing game around a controversy, always adopting a humanities perspective. Different groups of actors will be in charge of defending a different point of view and a different posture during a final debate.


Levels Description and operational verbs
Know To appropriate fundamental concepts and major theories around controversies, ethics, scientific expertise and complex thinking.
UnderstandTo understand, question and (re)think our relationship to science, knowledge and learning.

Take ownership, defend and synthesize a position on a complex subject and know how to exchange and debate with others

Speak in public, learn to debate and decide collectively.


SummariseTo explore the permanencies, mutations and resistances that accompany the development of techniques and that impact our societies.
Compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment
Written test
Oral presentation / viva
Written report / project
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