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Final long-term internship


lecturesclasses / seminarspractical workintegrative teachingindependent work
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Language used

Course supervisor(s)

Heads of Departments

Key words
engineering internship - end-of-studies project in a company - long internship

The search for an internship is done independently, in conjunction with the department.

The student is accompanied throughout his or her training to refine his or her personal and professional project and to prepare as well as possible to enter the world of work (CV, cover letters, job interview simulation, salary negotiation, etc.).

The content of the internship must be validated by the relevant teaching department.

Overall objective

The end-of-studies project carried out in a company (or laboratory) allows the student to fulfill a general engineering mission (or even a "research" mission) within the framework of a team in which he or she will have to negotiate and convince, train and inform, be creative and an actor of change. He/she will strive to achieve the objectives set in terms of deadlines, costs and quality and will record his/her achievements in a report that he/she will present publicly.

The student is put in charge as soon as he/she looks for his/her internship, he/she benefits from the support of the school and of the option for his/her internship search. The subject must be validated by the department head in order to ensure that the internship is consistent with the activities covered by the department. An academic tutor who is a member of the teaching staff is designated to monitor each internship. His/her mission is to follow the evolution of the intern's work and must visit him/her or organize at least one interview with the student and his/her company tutor. 
The evaluation of the internship is based for one third on the work done in the company and the feedback from the company tutor, for one third on the report and for the last third on the public presentation.

Course content and organisation


Levels Description and operational verbs
Know Be able to identify target companies by sector of activity and the tools for contacting them (networks, ENT resources, internship platforms, etc.). Know the tools and techniques for finding an internship.
UnderstandUnderstand the issues of the targeted business sector(s) and the company's development objectives.
Be able to make the link between the knowledge, skills and abilities that can be mobilized and the content of the internship.
Apply  Master the techniques and tools for finding an internship and a job. Be able to integrate into an organization and be an actor. Be able to apply one's knowledge and skills to the problems and organization of the company with the objective of achieving results. Be able to understand and analyze the behaviors of individuals and teams in a work situation and to adapt to them. Be able to adapt to an intercultural environment (internship abroad). Learn to communicate and work in a team.

Be able to find, independently, an internship consistent with one's professional project and the 3A course validated by the School. To be able to report on one's experience, to be able to describe and analyze the problems encountered and the methods used to solve them and produce a result.

SummariseKnow how to give an account of one's experience within a constrained framework (internship report and defense) by putting forward the knowledge mobilized, the method applied and the results obtained.
AssessPropose recommendations in the company. Produce a result that can be capitalized and used by the company. To be an actor in one's professional insertion by measuring the professional stakes.
Compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment
Written test
Oral presentation / viva
Written report / project
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