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 Videogames and geek culture


Duration : 20 hours

ECTS Credits :

Semester : S6

Person in charge :


Keywords :

geek / science fiction / fantasy / role play / comics / movies / tv series / manga / fanfiction / internet / hackers / Video Games / AFK / boss / casu / cosplay / farmer / freeware / gamer / IRL / IG / IA / MMORPG / nerd / newbie / nolife / noob / PEBKAC / RTFM / SHMUP / Spoiler / Troll / WoW


Prerequisites : 


Objective :

Knowledge and deepening the world of video games and geek culture.


Program and content :


Stimulate the imagination ...

Contenu - Programme

What is now called geek culture is a form of counterculture born in the 70s, on a premise derived from the hippie counterculture in the 60s which was to change the world by the imagination and technology on the idea of the global village. Some Geek have become today social and professional success models. This qualifier geek formerly pejorative is now seen as something trendy.
This course will cover many facets as science fiction, fantasy, role playing games, comics, movies, TV series, manga, fan fiction, computers, the Internet, hackers, open source software, the cult of detail, participatory culture, sharing references and a Community imaginary ... and of course video games that are at the crossroads of all these tracks.
The course also put into perspective this against-culture with the fact that today all major geek symbols are widely collected by majors entertainment (buyback of Lucasfilm by Disney and Marvel).
This course will also address concepts such as: AFK / boss / casu / cosplay / farmer / freeware / gamer / IRL / IG / IA / MMORPG / nerd / newbie / nolife / noob / PEBKAC / RTFM / SHMUP / Spoiler / Troll / WoW
Test your percentage geekness:

References and Bibliography:

Stéphane Vial : L'être et l'écran, PUF, hors collection, 2013.
Nicolas Beaujouan : Geek La Revanche, Ed. Robert Laffont, 2013
Olivier Mauco : GTA IV, l'envers du rêve américain, éditions Questions Théoriques, 2013
Olivier Mauco : Jeux vidéo: hors de contrôle ?, éditions Questions Théoriques, 2014
Sébastien Genvo : Introduction aux enjeux artistiques et culturels des jeux vidéo, Éd. L’Harmattan, 2003

Olivier Mauco :
Sebastien Genvo
Nicolas Beaujouan :


Evaluation : Continuous assessment


Evaluation :

  •  Written test
  •  Continuous assessment
  •  Oral presentation
  •  Project
  •  Written report