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Application of Fourier Transform


ECTS Credits: 2

Duration: 21 hours

Semester: S8

Person(s) in charge:

Dragi KAREVSKI, Professor,

Keywords: Fourier Transform



Objective: Implementation of Fourier Transform

Program and contents:


Learning calculation methods and mastering mathematical techniques through a very practical approach using various specific problems. Students will do a great number of exercises that will help them acquire a certain “virtuosity” with the power distribution frame.


  • •Convolution and Fourier transforms of Distribution Functions
  • Convolution, Fourier Transforms, Laplace Transforms, Laplace Transforms of distributions.
  • Applications for diffusion, optical Fourier, linear response, sampling, signal processing, regulating systems and different physical and engineering problems.

Assessment methods
1st  test on mathematics learned – 2nd test on physical applications



  •  Written test
  •  Continuous Control
  •  Oral report
  •  Project
  •  Written report