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CES7ADTSI - Computer and technology solutions

 IT & IS Solutions

ECTS Credits : 4

Duration : 36 hours

Semester : S7

Person(s) in charge :

 Alain TISSERANT, Associate professor, 

Keywords :

 Information System, Web programming, Internet, Software quality

Pré requis : Having already used a computer

Objective : Give professional user knowledge about computer science

Program et content :

The aim of this course is to give a broad background in Information Technology (IT),
which is indispensable for helping a general engineer in his decision-making and
communications within a business structure. The course will explain the technologies and
concepts involved in implementing IT in a company, giving professional user knowledge
to facilitate implementing information technology and to be informed about the direction
of technological and organizational developments. This course will show that behind the
complexity of this tool, there are scientific foundations and concepts, making it easier to
understand and use the technologies


- Company's IT infrastructure, information system, ERP, EAI
- Mastery of software quality and industrialization, software engineering
- Mecanisms involved in dynamic webpages, web programming, PHP scripts
- Communication between webpages, input validation, regular expressions
- Structured data, data base, SQL, web interfacing
- Unstructured data, content management, CMS
- IS transition towards web
- computer operations, meetings : organization, business applications, intranet
- local IS, local networks and TCP/IP protocols
- distant IS, Internet, concepts and services, protocols
- information security, notion of risk, failures, procedures 


Abilities :


Description and operational verbs


the technologies and concepts involved in an Information System



the issues of a company's IS


be able to develop web programming


the complexity of a problem, the technical choices


a team-based IT project


the complexity of an IT problem

Evaluations :

  •  Written test
  •  Continuous Control
  •  Oral report
  •  Project
  •  Written report