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Art and power


ECTS Credits: 2

Duration: 24 hours

Semester: S8

Person(s) in charge:

Laurence MASSEMIN, Associate professor,






study of the ambiguous relationship between artistic work and political power

Program and contents:

This course studies the complex relationship between artistic work and political power at different periods and in various countries

Content - Program

This study covers numerous questions including the conditions under which artistic creation is made possible.

Another aspect of the course will be the image of political power in art. We will see  that even if political power can be the central theme for artistic inspiration, it can also be represented in a vague or even allusive way.

To answer these questions,  a subjective selection of works or literary and cinematographic trends will be studied in class. The following subjects will be addressed:

  • Humor and Power

  • Architecture and urban planning in Nancy from the Middle Ages (field trip)

  • Enki Bilal

  • William Shakespeare: Richard III

  • George Orwell

  • Censorship and propaganda in the movie industry

  • MacCarthyism

  • Mexican muralists

  • Street Art
  • Arts policy and funding


Assessment methods

Students  must write a 10-page paper on a subject they will choose from a list of possible themes.



  •  Written test
  •  Continuous Control
  •  Oral report
  •  Project
  •  Written report