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Foreign Language Courses


2nd 2nd



English and

2nd foreign language for non-beginners*

Second foreign language*


Third foreign language* (option)


Language Enforcement

1st year

Self-Learning = equivalent to 25% of language learning time

The objective of this programme is for a student to learn how to fix language-learning  objectives and organize his/her work  accordingly.

1 class/week (English)

2 classes/week (
2nd foreign language for non-beginners)

2 classes/week

1 class/week 


NB: the student is committed to learning this language for the full two years

1 class/week

 NB: the student registers for a semester

2nd year


Classes require a varying degree of self-learning. 

This calls for a certain amount of responsibility on the part of the student-engineer:

-respect of deadlines

-intellectual integrity.

Students having reached a C1 or C2 level: 1 class/week 

All other students: 2 classes/week (or its equivalent)

2 classes/week

1 class/week

 NB: the student registers for a semester

3rd year

1 class/week (or its equivalent) 

Students having reached a C1 or C2 level and who have satisfied all language acquittal requirements may be exempted from class.

1 class/week

Students may choose to begin learning a new language.

* The following languages are offered at Mines Nancy if the minimum threshold of 8 students is reached: German, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and, for foreign students, French as a Foreign Language (FLE).
