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The scientific and technical training of engineers of Mines Nancy provides a complementary and interdisciplinary training in the fields of economics, strategy, management and finance.  As innovation, creativity, scientific and technical expertise are necessarily connected to business, strategic and economic decisions, Mines Nancy aimes aims at giving to future engineers the essential background regarding technological innovations.


The Economics, Organization, Business department is an interdisciplinary department. It allows the engineer student to supplement his optional courses with the acquisition of skills in the fields on of economics and management. The aim is to provide the student with fundamental knowledge and expertise in order to understand and integrate the firm. The unit of analysis of these courses is therefore the firm. The understanding of the firm, of its economic, social and organizational environment is indeed essential to the training of engineer students.

With this in mind, the teaching of this department aim aims at providing during their whole school curriculum the knowledge and tools to comprehend the world of the firm.

During the first year, teaching is organized into joint courses and consist consists of giving the bases in economics (macroeconomics, microeconomics and strategy) and accounting. During the second and third years, the teaching of the department goes on with optional elective and managerial courses, allowing the students to increase their competences in the fields of strategic innovation, finance, political economy or microeconomics.
