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GIMAS9AI - Mines Nancy

Information Theory

Crédits : 2 ECTS 


Durée : 21 heures


Semestre : S9

Responsable(s) : PEYRE Rémi

Mots clés : Information, Kolmogorov complexity, Shannon entropy, Data compression,  Kullback-Leibler divergence, Cramér-Rao bound, model selection

Pré requis : Intermediate-level knowlegde in probability theory and statistics ; general knowledge in mathematics ; general programming skills

Objectif général : Getting acquainted with the concepts of information theory which are useful for an engineer in mathematics, especially in data science

Programmes et contenus : This course offers a panorama on various topics around information theory :

  • How can one measure an amount of information? Link with data compression. The case of Kolmogorov complexity. The case of the Shannon entropy.
  • Main results on Shannon information: chain rule, data treatment inequality; &c.
  • Lossy data compression: what is the maximum compression rate that you can achieve for a signal up to a certain tolerable distorsion?
  • Kullback-Leibler divergence and large deviation theory: how surprising is a result with respect to a given belief?
  • The Cramér-Rao bound: in statistics, this is a fundamental limit on how much information you can get about a hidden parameter.
  • Information theory as a tool for model selection: justification for the AIC and BIC criteria.

Compétences : 


Description et verbes opérationnels


To know the definitions of Kolmogorov complexity, Shannon entropy, Kullback-Leibler divergence, Fisher information; together with their main mathematical properties.


To understand what “measuring an amount of information” means, and in which sense compressing, describing and predicting are equivalent.


To implement some basic data-compression and decompression algorithms. To compute and compare AIC and BIC criteria.


To compute how much information is fundamentally contained in a partly random signal, or how surprising is a signal w.r.t. a given model.


To use the tools of information theory to give a precise meaning to how much a signal is “complex”, or “blurry”.


To compare the respective relevances of two models in statistical data analysis. To compare a statistical technique with the Cramér–Rao benchmark.

Évaluations : (*) The main exam shall be a classical 3-hour written test (maybe with a small programming part). In case of failure, the second-chance exam shall be a homework followed by an interview about the student’s work and some other questions.