Material by Design (Material Selection)


Durée : 21 heures

Crédits : 2 ECTS 

Semestre : S9

Responsable(s) :

Sébastien ALLAIN, Professor, 

Mots clés :

Spécifications - Material choice - Performance Index - Ashby's methodology - CES selector

Pré requis : Compulsory S7 courses (Common core of the material department)


Objectif général : To be able to select on rational ground the best material and optimize it for a given application.


Programmes et contenus :

The course is based on Mike Ashby's methodology and the use of CES selector software (database and search engine). After the courses, the student are expected to know how:

  • to establish the specifications (constraints and objectives) for a given application,
  • to propose if possible a performance index for the application or establish an multi-criteria optimization using a trade-off methods,
  • to select the best solutions among available materials & manufacturing processes in a database, taking into account the environmental impact and the product life cycle,
  • to find ways to improve materials performance within a technological field or to propose eco-design,
  • to imagine possible new applications for a given material,
  • to use CES Selector from Granta Design ( - data base, search engine, optimization tools

The course is based on realistic and industrial case studies (lectures and seminars given by professionals coming from the world of industry and research). This approach will be replicated by students on their own projects. The students can choose their own applications in their field of interest and will be evaluated by their mates (half of the final evaluation).

Synopsis of the sessions:

  • Introduction to material selection: From Chance to Science
  • Material Selection using numerical databases (introduction to CES)
  • Eco-conception
  • Trade-off methods and penalty functions (how to deal with Pareto's frontiers?)
  • Seminar by a professional 1: Material selection for packaging
  • Seminar by a professional 2: Cement and concrete for building
  • Student presentation on their own project and peers' evaluation 

The seminars are subjected to changes.

Compétences : 


Description et verbes opérationnels


a method to select the best materials for the a given applications


how to identify the constraints and the objective functions of a problem


the methods on simple cases and on the applications selected by the students for their own project


the result critically and propose options to improve the selected material


the result of the selection process and present it to colleagues


the presentation of theirs mates

Évaluations :

  • Test écrit
  • Contrôle continu
  • Oral, soutenance
  • Projet
  • Rapport