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Course Name :

End-of-studies Internship

End-of-studies Internship


ECTS Credits : 8


Duration : 6 months

ECTS Credits : 8

Semester : Semester 10

Persons in charge :

Isabelle Le May, Ulrike Braun,

Keywords : Engineering internship, end-of-studies project, long-duration internship

Prerequisites : 

To have defined a professional project, to have drawn up a CV and cover letter, to have obtained the accord of the department head on the subject of the internship.

Objective :

The second semester of a standard third year is devoted to the end-of-studies project, generally carried out in the form of an internship with a company, in France or abroad, and corresponding to the chosen concentration. A technological or scientific project realized in close relation with the faculty of the scholl completes the engineering program.
It is the first significant experiment in the professional world that verifies the capacity of the student to make effective use of and round out the ensemble of the knowledge and skills acquired during the program. 



The end-of-studies project in a company allows the student to fulfill a general engineering mission, working within the framework of a team, with whom he will be called on to negotiate and convince, train and inform, be an agent for change and be creative. The intern will apply himself to reach fixed objectives in terms of deadlines, cost and quality, and will write up the work he has done in a report that he will present publically.

Abilities : 


Description et verbes opérationnels


Be able to identify target firms by sector and tools which exist to contact them (networks, ENT UL ressources, intranet, internship platforms,...) Know the tools dedicated to the search of an internship (French and English) and techniques to look for an internship.


Be able to make the link between knowledge, skills and abilities that can be used for the internship, and the content of the internship.


Be able to write his CV and a statement of purpose. Be capable of demonstrate that the internship is consistent with the personal project. 
Be able to integrate in a hierarchal organization.
Be able to adapt to an intercultural environment (internship abroad). Learn to communicate and to work amid a team. Be able of apply one's knowledge to the problematics of the firm to a result.


Be able to find independantly an internship consistent with the professional plans and the degree course of the third year validated by the school. Be capable to report one's experience, describe and analyze the issues met and the methods used to sort them out and get results.


Know how to report one's experience in a specific framework (oral presentation, internship report)  while promoting the skills and methods used. A technical report can be asked by the firm.


Know how to evaluate the level of responsibility and engineers missions. Be able of specify one's professional project.

Évaluations :

  •  Written Test
  •  Continuous assessment
  •  Oral presentation
  •  Project
  •  Written report